Flexible scheduling
Scheduling is easy, using my online scheduler. I offer morning, afternoon and evening appointments, as well as weekend appointments
Flexible payment options
Whether you need a relationship tuneup, or need long term counseling, I provide a number of options to make sessions more accessible and afforable.
Flexible meeting options
With social distancing in full force, I provide multiple ways for clients to access services. In addition to office visits, I offer phone/video sessions and access to valuable resources to utilize between sessions.
Is your relationship in trouble?

If you answer yes to the questions below, your relationship might need help.
Are you and your partner are arguing more frequently?
Are simple conversations turning into nasty arguments?
Do you often say hurtful things to “win” an argument?
Do you sweep things under the rug to avoid conflict?
Emotional disengagement
Have you and your partner have drifted apart?
Does it feel as if there is no time for your relationship?
Do you feel more like room mates than a couple?
Does it feel like you have nothing in common?
It doesn’t have to be this way
Reknown researcher and relationship expert John Gottman has spent the past 45 years studying relationships. He has developed such keen insight into couples interactions, that he can predict with 90% accuracy, whether a couple will stay together. His research confirms that ongoing patterns of conflict or emotional disengagement are particularly corrosive to intimate relationships. Fortunately, his research also provides valuable insight into patterns of interaction which support healthy and satisfying relationships. Using Gottman’s research as a framework for the therapeutic process, I work with couples to facilitate communication about important issues, foster intimacy and connection and help repair damaged trust.
Here are some of the things you’ll learn in counseling:
How to deal with perpetual issues
These issues tend to arise over and over again. Issues with in- laws and financial concerns are common examples. Counseling can help you establish a healthy dialogue about these concerns.
How to strengthen your underlying friendship and create a culture of appreciation and respect.
The strongest relationships are characterized by day to interactions which foster connection and emotional intimacy.
How to repair damaged trust after betrayal.
When trust issues arise in a realtionship, the healing process can be long and painful, but many couples find that their realtionship becomes even stronger as a result.
How to restore physical and emotional intimacy.
Differences in sexual desire are very common within realtionships, but can create tension and unhealthy resentment in a relationship.
Be partners, not adversaries
The process I utilize during our sessions will encourage honest, open communication. It’s not my job to act as a referee or identify who is right or wrong. I will, however, hold each of you accountable, calling out ineffective or damaging patterns of interaction and redirecting you as necessary. The ultimate goal is to guide you towards a process of collaborative dialogue, and reduce the negative, adversarial interactions that tend to damage relationships.
By the time a couple finally decides to come in for counseling, negative patterns of interaction or emotional disengagement are often so entrenched, that one or both are considering leaving the relationship. Counseling provides a safe environment to re-establish communication and repair damage done by ineffective communication
Grow and be well
Grow And Be Well serves the online community, as well as communities in Southwestern Ohio, including: West Chester, Middletown, Dayton, Fairfield,, Evandale, Springdale, Cincinnati, Liberty Township, Beckett Ridge, Franklin, Monroe, Hamilton and Springborough. Services provided include, marriage counseling, relationship therapy, family therapy, couples counseling, premarital counseling, singles and couples workshops, family counseling, individual counseling, teen counseling, parenting guidance, help with ADD, ADHD, divorce, and relationship advice, as well as help with dating, love and communication.